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Old 07.29.2009, 09:14 PM   #1
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my queen boss lady

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Old 07.29.2009, 09:18 PM   #2
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"I want to fuck you until your missing chromosome grows back."

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Old 07.30.2009, 11:18 AM   #3
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Holy shit am I glad I read that.

"don't worry about that," says the angel,
"soon she'll be stinking in bed with a brainless dick."
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Old 07.30.2009, 11:27 AM   #4
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inb4 "I posted that last week".
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Old 07.30.2009, 12:22 PM   #5
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Old 07.30.2009, 12:23 PM   #6
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^^^ That image had nothing to do with tihs thread.

That shit is hilarious, dave! Are you the guy?

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Old 07.30.2009, 12:52 PM   #7
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hi, whats up, thats cool you want to talk to me and what i like to do for fun is, i like to go fun places like disney land, sea world, la auto car show, go to a laker game, shop. draw art, listen to music, watch tv shows like bad girls club, i like history, its a lot more i like to do for fun, so what fun places do you like going to, im asking you so if we were on a date i wont be guessing, because i would want you to have fun too, please send me a message, bye for now.

mmmmmmmmmmmm Disneyland makes me sooooooo wet

hi, whats up, so you said disneyland makes you so wet, that you love it, one day i will have my dad get tickets so me and you can go, but i just want to tell you this and it been on my mind last night, that i dream of one day me and what ever lady im with, which i hope it be you, that we go to paris and set on the paris tower and i hold that lady tight so she wont fall and we look at the bright water and see the whole city of paris and then go to out of space and see all the stars and planets, and then walk on the moon, if thats with you, would you like that, its a real dream, please send me a message, bye for now.

Oh baby that’s so sweeet. I would love to be that gurl for u.

hi, whats up,im just a sweet guy, thats the kind of guy i am, but yeah i miss you, i have not got a message from you in a while, now that i did, what you been doing and how have you been, i been thinking about you a lot, i hope im not asking you to much, that i would like to meet you at my mom and dad house this saturday or sunday, like a date, i just want to watch a dvd movie with you, i will let you pick the one you want to watch with me, i really did miss you, please send me a message, bye for now.

mmm I’d lyke 2 watch pink flamingos. Wuld ur parents mind if you helped me stain up their couch a lil?

hi, whats up, yeah my parents would mind, i dont have pink flamingos dvd, but i do have some tight dvd you will like when you come by, i live on 976 w. bellmont st, the house address number is 976, just so you will know, you can type it up on map quest so you dont get lost, you will love it here, and you allways welcome here, you can eat here too and i have candy waiting for you, please send me a message, bye for now.

I want to fuck you until your missing chromosome grows back.

hi, whats up queen lady, so you want to fuck me, how about we fuck in the Dark , would you like that baby, but yeah, i dont know if you got lost last weekend, but maybe you can tell me if you come by and if you did not come by then why not, its all good, i do want to see you this sunday boo, so how you been ok, me i just been thinking about you my queen boss lady, please send me a message, you know i still have love for you, bye for now.

Sunday sounds good. Imma sex you up so good. I want all up in mah shit, on my dick and shyt boo.

hi, whats up, are you a lady, because you said on your dick and i know men have dicks, you might of met to say pussy, im not being funny or anything but, i just got to know if your a lady, when you said that, it made me think, im not sure, please tell me, i got to know, because i like women.

ps- no, i'm not that guy. wish i was

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Old 07.30.2009, 12:54 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by floatingslowly
inb4 "I posted that last week".


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Old 07.30.2009, 01:49 PM   #9
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i read the dialogue between those two while listening to Wiliam Basinski's "92982.4". One of the saddest moments in past few days for me to have.

you're the boy

that can enjoy
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Old 07.30.2009, 02:15 PM   #10
dirty bunny
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I don't know about anyone else but that text got me really hot.
kiss me
kiss me in the shadow of a doubt
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