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Old 11.25.2006, 02:36 PM   #1
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Last night I had this really fucked up dream, so I'm going to tell you all about it haha.

I was standing in a parking lot at like this shopping plaza type deal where I just happened to be last night. My friends were with me and we were all just standing around Dave's car and talking and smoke, when we see a bunch of cops yelling and chasing around a bunch of gansta kids. The cops start walking over to us so I'll my friends get extreme paranoia and start tossing their bags of weed as far away as they can. Mean while I'm just standing there thinking about what idiots they are because the cop is watching them do this. But instead of getting them in shit this one piggy tackles me to the ground and starts sniffing my arm (you know when your dog smells another dog on you and it just shoves it nose right into you and sniffs and sniffs and sniffs? Well it was like that) He then concluded that I had been smoking pot and put me in hand cuffs.
Then in my dream I wake up somewhere and have no clue where I am, but my friends are all there with me. I asked them what happened and they say I spent the night in jail for trafficing or some shit.

It was completely fucked up. The weirdest thing was the way the cop was sniffing me though, I remember thinking, "What the fuck is this guy doing?"
I've had like five dreams lately were I've either gone to jail or been really fucking close to going. Hopefully they mean nothing

Tell me the dream you had last night

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Old 11.25.2006, 02:51 PM   #2
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Whenever you have nightmares it sure is nice to have a nice damp towel to wipe away the cold sweat when you wake up screaming. So make sure you always have a towel and bowl of water within reach of your bed. Proper towel usage is important, ya know.

Do you wanna get high?
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Old 11.25.2006, 02:53 PM   #3
Savage Clone
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I dreamt that one of my turtles had twisted his neck around 3 full twists, and his head was all huge and elongated with a big cylindrical snot on the end (like one of those softshell turtles have, but mine is a hardshell slider with more of a "beaky" nose/mouth). He was on the verge of full-on suffocation, but I saved him.
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Old 11.25.2006, 03:00 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by towelie
Whenever you have nightmares it sure is nice to have a nice damp towel to wipe away the cold sweat when you wake up screaming. So make sure you always have a towel and bowl of water within reach of your bed. Proper towel usage is important, ya know.

Do you wanna get high?

I don't think I'd call it a nightmare, I was more weirded out than anything.
I always want to get high.

Savage Clone,
You have a turtle?! Can I see pictures if you have any?

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Old 11.25.2006, 03:03 PM   #5
Savage Clone
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I have 2 turtles actually.
I'll see if I have any pix.
My camera was stolen a few weeks ago or I would just take one now.
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Old 11.25.2006, 03:07 PM   #6
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That's really shitty I hope it wasn't a really good camera.

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Old 11.25.2006, 03:08 PM   #7
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It was an OK camera, nothing special. The drag is I actually knew how to work its features.
Oh well, at least now I get to buy a new camera.
I couldn't find any turtle pictures (well, I have some, but they are not digital), only dog ones.
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Old 11.25.2006, 03:08 PM   #8
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"I always want to get high."

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Old 11.25.2006, 03:12 PM   #9
Danny Himself
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Once I had a dream where I died and went to hell.

I was in some building and lots of people where in there, like an airport passport-checking place or something. Everybody was like 'oh boy oh boy we're going to die today!' or something but I was at the back of the line. By the time I got through, I followed the corridor through into another room where juice and cookies and little 'hello my name is:' cards were laid out on a table, but everybody had already been through and left- except for one person. I asked where everyone was and he said they'd already gone downstairs and outside to die.

For some reason in the dream I wanted to die like everybody else so I followed the guy out. He was dressed in winter clothes for some reason. We left the room and it got colder as we went down some stairs, through some doors (still getting colder) until we came to the bottom floor, where it was extremely cold- outside you could see some sort of antarctic setting. I followed the guy out through the doors and into the cold- it was horribly cold.

I watched him say 'this is how you do it- you won't feel a thing' before running down a jetty out into the icy water- he kept running down the jetty until he ran between two posts that had some kind of invisible death ray between them or something. His neck broke and he slipped to the ground, dead. I went after him, afraid to slip on the ice- I ran at the posts until I heard a click and everything went black. I saw myself in third person slip, dead with a broken neck, and roll off the jetty into the icy water.

I think I went to hell after this, because I dreamed of a chaotic city where there was an ongoing riot, the sky was on fire and there were monsters all around.

It really troubled me the whole day afterwards.
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Old 11.25.2006, 03:21 PM   #10
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That would probably trouble me too.

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Old 11.25.2006, 03:23 PM   #11
Danny Himself
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Yeah, so here's the obligatory PRAISE THA LAWD!

See if I go to hell now, 'eh?
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Old 11.25.2006, 04:06 PM   #12
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i keep having nightmares,
horrible nightmares.
sometimes they are so bad that i cant believe such a thing is in my subconcious, sometimes they are not really nightmares, but the feeling when i wake up is the same. dark dark dread.
its been happening for around a month. before that i enjoyed dreaming. i would induce dreams thru food and i would set my alarm to go off every hour throughout the night so that i would remember as much as possible, but lately, its turning me inside out.
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Old 11.25.2006, 04:09 PM   #13
atari 2600
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if you are the lamest/GREATEST character ever


Robert Rauschenberg, Canyon, 1959. Combine on canvas 81 3/4 x 70 x 24 inches.
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Old 11.25.2006, 04:42 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by wax
i keep having nightmares,
horrible nightmares.
sometimes they are so bad that i cant believe such a thing is in my subconcious, sometimes they are not really nightmares, but the feeling when i wake up is the same. dark dark dread.
its been happening for around a month. before that i enjoyed dreaming. i would induce dreams thru food and i would set my alarm to go off every hour throughout the night so that i would remember as much as possible, but lately, its turning me inside out.

You actually did that? You must be crazy! As much as I love dreaming I don't think I could ever make myself wake up every hour just so I would remember.
Is it even effective?

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Old 11.25.2006, 04:47 PM   #15
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I've been dreaming a film for like 3 years now. It started with a dream I had that made a powerful ending for a film. So now I just had to write the stuff that led up to it. So i started that but then a month or so later I had another dream that fit in with that other dream. So I stopped consciously writing it. I'm just dreaming the script now. Sometimes I think about the movie as I fall asleep and then it gets incorporated in my dreams that night. It's really cool. I definately recommend dreaming a film.
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Old 11.26.2006, 04:16 AM   #16
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wow. i dont even remember posting that. antibiotics and gin do crazy things to a man.

yes, i used to do that sometimes. at one point i would do it like that, set the alarm to go off all night, but thats seriously unhealthy.
these days i usualy i just set my alarm for an hour or two before i wanna wake up and keep hitting snooze. it works alright. you only remember dreams that you wake up during.
actualy, i had good dream last night. none of those horrible ones.
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Old 11.26.2006, 05:46 AM   #17
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I had a dream about you, EMMAh a while ago but you already knew that.

Don't make fun of me, but I have been having dreams with guitar effects pedals in them from time to time.
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Old 11.26.2006, 05:52 AM   #18
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i had the coolest dream

i was in a weird town and there was a guy i forgot his name, and he was this murderer and he had magic powers, yeah it sounds random. then everyone turned to zombies and the rest of our town had to escape, there was a statue in the middle of town which could turn into a robot.and we all had to get in and fly away from town, then we fought a big snake
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Old 11.26.2006, 06:01 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by king_buzzo
i had the coolest dream

i was in a weird town and there was a guy i forgot his name, and he was this murderer and he had magic powers, yeah it sounds random. then everyone turned to zombies and the rest of our town had to escape, there was a statue in the middle of town which could turn into a robot.and we all had to get in and fly away from town, then we fought a big snake
So was the snake on a plane by any chance?
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Old 11.26.2006, 06:02 AM   #20
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no. it was huge and in a cave
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